Combined Maximum

In the context of Extended Health Care Insurance, a "Combined Maximum" refers to the aggregate limit applied to multiple benefits within a single insurance policy. This means that the maximum reimbursement amount for a combination of specified benefits is capped at a certain level. Once the combined maximum amount is reached, the policyholder cannot claim additional expenses for any of the benefits included in this combined limit.

Key aspects of Combined Maximum include:

  1. Aggregate Limit: The combined maximum sets a total cap on the benefits that fall under its scope.
  2. Multiple Benefits: It encompasses two or more specific benefits, such as physiotherapy and chiropractic services.
  3. Cost Control: Helps manage and control the overall cost of providing extended health care benefits.
  4. Policy Clarity: Provides clear guidelines on the total reimbursement available for grouped benefits.

Understanding combined maximums helps policyholders plan and prioritize their healthcare expenditures within the limits of their insurance coverage.

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