Articles & FAQ's

Garrett Agencies

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Frequently asked questions related to Garrett Agencies

How do you ensure that I receive the most suitable insurance policy for my specific requirements?

Garrett Agencies guarantees that clients obtain the most appropriate insurance solutions by working with a diverse array of insurers and providing customized advice. This approach typically involves finding the most cost-effective options that align with each client's unique needs. As part of our commitment to regulatory and compliance standards, insurance advisors at Garrett Agencies are obligated to always work in the client's best interests. Being an independent brokerage, Garrett Agencies is not tied to any single insurance company, allowing for unbiased and client-focused recommendations.

What is your experience in the insurance industry?

Garrett Agencies was founded in 1966 and has decades of collective experience in the insurance industry, ensuring reliable and expert advice.

Can you assist with both personal and business insurance needs?

Yes, Garrett Agencies caters to both personal and business clients.

Additionally, Garrett Agencies caters to members of professional associations with exclusive offerings.

As an independent insurance broker, do you offer products from multiple insurers?

Yes, Garrett Agencies works with over 30 insurers, offering a wide range of options and potential solutions to address the unique needs of our clients.

What types of insurance do you specialize in?

Garrett Agencies focuses on Life Insurance, Health Insurance(s), and Tax & Estate Planning.

Still have questions?

Please contact our office and we'll be happy to address any questions you may have.

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